A human is born, and with their first breath, desires begin. While still a tiny baby, someone helps them.
They get hungry, need to burp, their diaper gets dirty, changed, and they want attention at every moment...
Then, they grow a little, start walking, but as they grow, everything they own seems to shrink...
“Maybe they only wore this outfit once,” people say.
That person, day by day, grows, not just themselves, but also their desires.
They begin to say, “Maybe one day,” at a very young age...
They look at their friend and say, “Maybe one day I’ll have a toy like that.”
Once they get the toy, they say, “Maybe one day I’ll have a bicycle.”
When they get the bicycle, they say, “I want shoes from that brand.”
And those desires never end, even when they grow up...
They say, “Maybe one day I’ll get married and be happy.”
But one doesn't marry to escape temporary unhappiness...
They get married, can't get along, and then want a divorce to be happy again, saying, “Maybe one day...”
They say, “Maybe one day I’ll be rich and happy.”
But even when they get what they want, they always want more...
“Maybe one day I’ll buy a summer house, have a boat, maybe even travel the world.”
Those “maybe” days never end...
So, people want it all buy what do they not want?
They say “Maybe one day…” for the things they want to possess, but
They never say “Maybe one day I’ll do it” for the things that are hard to achieve.
They want to be healthy but don’t want to start exercising.
They want to have a place in people's lives but never think, “Whose life have I touched?”
They never say, “Maybe one day I’ll do better than what I’ve done.”
But sometimes, what do people say?
“I went bankrupt, I hope they suffer worse.”
“I broke up, I hope they’re unhappy too.”
“They hurt me like this, I hope they get hurt too.”
In this world, that is thought to be endless and never-ending, while struggling with desires...
They don’t want to look back.
“I was a baby, I grew up, I’m aging...
I’m passing through...
In this temporary world, why am I wasting time…” they don’t say.
But one day...
That day will definitely come...
And then, shouldn’t one ask:
What was asked of me, and what have I done?
3 Yorumlar
What a true subject…excellent words…thank you
YanıtlaSilYaşadığımız hayatta Gerçekleri öğrenmek ve isteklerimizi ona yöneltmek ne kadar değerli
YanıtlaSilMaybe …. But without action none will happen….
YanıtlaSilThanks for the article